Saturday, July 5, 2014

How to beat unnecessary stressing... with 3 steps!

While stressing, I found this gem web page and wanted to share it.. it is brilliant! 


go to this site:


Click on the magic button

STEP 3) 


So, did it work? :)

( or, perhaps that's my unlimited will for procrastinating writing  :D )

{ PS. six years ago I had web page that contained only this sign set up as homepage during exam time, its was nice and neon , unfortunately I cant find that site anymore}

Friday, June 27, 2014

Music of the night

Hello borg!

I can't stop listening to this song. Video is kinda creepy, but cool. And lyrics, well, more like those few lines, are truthful. I don't know what it is, but it is addictive.

It is tagged on last fm as: mellow, quirky, indie pop.. I don't listen to stuff like this normally.  

Well, perhaps everything is more interesting than studying. ( forget perhaps :D )

Somebody heard this song before? :)

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Orchid 102: how to get rid of mealybugs?

I got my last orchid as a gift. Luckily, I always put my new flowers far away from other plants until I see that it is healthy.

This one was really nice colored and I was sad when one day I discovered cotton-like parts on her spike.

I immediately started searching on Google for orchid parasites and I found out that those cotton flakes are called mealybugs. They are disgusting and nasty bugs that can move from one plant to another! Oh, the horror!!!

Flower stem with ugly bugs

Said goodbye to that orchid and started with experiment.
I removed every part of orchid infected with bugs and trimmed roots.

When plant was bug free I washed roots in dish washing detergent and sprayed with window cleaning stuff. Mixture of detergent and isopropyl alcohol is used for killing mealybugs. I didnt have that alcohol so I used window cleaner, because it has isopropyl in it.

I rinsed everything and left it in a jar. It stayed there for a month.

Every now and then I sprayed water and orchid food mixture  on her roots hoping that it wont dry out.

And after one month, I saw that plant is still bug free, that was sign that I can replant it again.

And look at it now! It is still weak and sad looking. But it has NEW FLOWER SPIKE growing!!

Also this experiment somehow proved that Phalaenopsis can grow in air for a month if you water it when it needs water.

My orchid will live (for now :D) !


Friday, June 20, 2014

RPR : treaclemoon O - the raspberry kiss

So, while I was walking through shelves with body lotions I noticed something so sweet I had to have it!.. I found basked filled with little pink and can't-ignore neon green bottles .. well, I love mini packaging ...only thing to do was to try and resist buying awesome green one ( green was called ginger morning and it was too risky because ginger has hard smell )..

So I bought this :

It is called the raspberry kiss, brand is treaclemoon. Label says that it is a body milk. But it feels like a body lotion, too watery. I use it as hand cream. It has small pump and 60ml.

My impressions :

- at first it feels watery, but after less than minute you are left with soft
non-sticky hands, that will smell of sweet raspberries for hours (well, that is until you wash your hands ofc :D).

/on the back of the bottle it is written: getestet wurde es nur an uns selbst, nicht an Tieren. aww das is süß! / It is not tested on animals :) 

I already bought second :D

Cheers! :)

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Random Product Review : Mixa micellar water

I wanted to buy any micellar water, I saw this, for me, new brand and it was cheap and also I liked that Mixa has a pump, so i decided to take that..

It says on the bottle that it is for sensitive and reactive skin and eyes, it has vitamin B5 and rose extract. Also it is paraben  and alcohol free and hypoallergenic. It has 200ml.

Things I LIKE about it:

+  it smells nice, like rose, it is mild, pleasant  scent

+  It removes most of my makeup and I don't have to rub my eyes for that, but for that effect cotton pad should be saturated

+  I have that one bottle for about 4 months and I am using it daily, it last long time, at least for me

+  it was cheap ( back then, garnier micellar water came out shortly after I bought this )

+  it is water and my skin feels nice after i use this so I would say that thing about sensitive eyes and skin is true

+  it doesn't sting when it gets into my eyes

Things I don't like:

-  that's kinda funny, but I don't like that PUMP. When I press it, too much fluid goes out of the bottle and not on the cotton pad, but somewhere beside, it is hard to control amount of fluid that goes out

- well it is water so it doesn't work on waterproof mascara


This is my first micellar water so I cant compare it with something else. I liked this water and I would buy it again but I would use something else for waterproof mascara .

Cheers! :)

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Good morning

It is yet another beautiful day for learning oral surgery.

Have a nice day!  :)

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Orchid care 101.

I have 4 orchids, I always wanted an orchid plant but I thought that it is tricky to take care of it and that they are pricey.

When I got my first orchid (Phal ofc) I saw that it is in fact really easy to take care for it. If it is healthy, you just have to make sure to water it every 1-2 weeks ( when roots become greyish), it is better to keep it dry than over water it.

You will notice that when you water it, roots will change color from gray to dark green.

Also, it is important that it isn't placed on direct sunlight because then you could get sunburns on orchids leafs and they become yellowish. And thats it for 101 orchid care, sort of .

Saturday, May 3, 2014


So, today I went with my mum in home depot  .. I saw this really cool clock...

 There are 4 clocks on this picture and that green clock caught my eye. I would forgive that green droid for breaking my sleep in the morning.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Oil cleansing method vs. Ignore your face care

So, somehow (time on pinterest :D)  I heard for oil cleansing method and naturally since that is womanly thing to do, when someone says that something will maybe make your skin look beautiful I had to try it :D..

I see that garnier invented something like that with jojoba& macadamia oils.

Since I am more of a DIYer and I also had all ingredients laying around the house collecting dust, I took out olive oil and castor oil and mixed them in a small bottle (50:50) . I also added few drops of tea tree drops.

I took a few drops of mixture, put it on my face and put hot towel and waited for it to cool down. Than I washed my face with water. I did it  maybe 3 times and then stopped. I stopped because my skin never broke out so badly as after that one oil thing. Apparently my combination skin didn't like it and I was afraid to continue.  And it was somewhat of a time consumer anyway :D

Immediately , I switched to minimal face care. I wash my face with water every morning and evening and before I go out of the house I put some face cream vulgaris. I use make up remover to remove what is left of make up after water (mostly mascara, BB cream and concealer is washed with water). And I use facial tissues only , that is important too I think.

I realized that my skin always looked best when I ignored it! That goes specially for picking on face/zits.

As for the rest of oil mixture I think I will try to use it as make up remover. It dissolves waterproof makeup really nice. And it is cheaper. And castor oil is, according to my mum :D, great for lash growth.


Monday, February 24, 2014

Parks and recreation

I love marathoning tv shows. Depends whether it is exam month or vacation month, if I am not playing something on my computer or studying, then I am watching tv shows. I like tv shows more than movies and especially I like those 20 minutes long sitcoms. I always wait until season is ended to watch it. I cant be the only one doing that?! :D

 Recently I finished Parks and recreation and now I am waiting for season 6 to end airing so I can start watching it. Parks and recreation is a show about parks department in small town called Pawnee in Indiana. Main character is Leslie Knope and her career is followed through seasons. She is a perky workaholic that proves that everything can be done with a lot of work and even more sugar. Show is filled with sarcasm which is my favorite type of humor.  And I cant wait for the new Ron Swanson quotes. He would be on my top 10 favorite characters, if I had a list like that.

My favorite quotes are :

There’s only one thing I hate more than lying: skim milk. Which is water that’s lying about being milk.

The government is a greedy piglet that suckles on a taxpayer’s teat until they have sore, chapped nipples.

Leslie: “Why would anybody ever eat anything besides breakfast food?”
Ron: “People are idiots, Leslie.”
Never half-ass two things. Whole-ass one thing.

And he also has his pyramid 

thats why he is so great...

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Fakevalent day

So I thought that today is Valentines day, I somehow mixed up days and dates.. no wonder my bf was surprised when I gave him box of chocolate :D.. since this is our first Valentines day as couple, I guess we will have it twice this year..
 mistake-well-made :D

ps. this is the cutest chocolate ever